I am planning a diy grid tie residential rooftop solar install and have some questions about the EG4 MPPT implementation.
Some studies suggest that panel level optimizers offer little benefit, such as https://www.sdu.dk/-/media/files/om_sdu/centre/cie/optimizer%2Bfor%2Bpv%2Bmodules%2Bver11_final.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi7uqniw7SLAxVUDjQIHS7cD5IQFnoECCIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw17Z8X_G4sN7eYRyt8opOy k" target="_blank" rel="noopener">this paper, and rather increase the risk of failure.
Does the EG4 12kpv reliably find the global maximum power in a pv string, like in this figure?
I suspect that the main reason some people are finding major advantages to panel level optimizers is that their inverter doesn't implement an algorithm that can find the global MPP.