I have 27 Phono 400 watt, 37 volt panels divided into three separate arrays of 9 panels in series. They feed two EG4 6000XPs running in Parallel with a shared 20KW Battery rack.
I have it arranged so one array of nine feeds the first inverters mppt. The second array of nine feeds to the second inverters mppt. The third array of nine feeds the first inverter on its second mppt.
My question is... Can I split (or share) that third PV array of nine panels between the two inverters using a Y splitter? So, instead of all the solar power of the third array going to the first inverter it would be split between the two inverters? Trying to avoid dividing the third array into two separate arrays.
Thanks for your time.
You cannot share an array between multiple inverters/mppts. They will end up fighting with each other trying to find the maximum power point. You can either split the array into two or just leave it connected to the first inverter.