I'm having a few issues with how the Solar Aircon app uses "Scenes" and the interface with the EG4 24K Solar Mini Split.
Scenes: I setup a Tap-to-Run for turning ON the Heat and one to turn ON the Cool with all the settings I want to have turned ON. There is also one for OFF. I use these to create Automations so it will turn ON and OFF at the times I want it to. The Automations have times that will fire the Tap-to-Run. The issue is the Automations will just randomly fire at any time, no where close to the times I have set for them. And it will do it randomly and continuously through out the day as long as an Automations are turned on. I have 5 Automations that run during the Summer to COOL. I recently starting using just one Automation and it seems to be working fine with just one.
Is anyone having these same issues? Does anyone know how to contact the App developer to get help with this issue?
The other issue is with the interface. It won't let me scroll down to "Historical electrical data". See video
One last issue is that I don't see a way to change the AC Limiter, on the app, from version 1, 2, or 3. You can do it on the remote. Version 1 is 500 to 600 watts from Grid. Version 2 is 700-800 watts from Grid. 3 version is 900-1000 watts from Grid. I use the "Down outlet open/close" button to change between 1,2, and 3 on the remote.
Any help with these issues will be greatly appreciated.
I use the Android app with a Pixel 8 Pro.
A way to contact the app developer would be amazing!