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48v LL Battery cluster overloading charge amps modbus register

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I have 36x 48v LL batteries clustered with closed loop communications to a Schneider Insight Facility device.

There is a mix of v1, v2, and S versions in the cluster.  Currently a v2 unit is acting as the cluster master and handles the communications with the Insight Facility device.

What I am seeing is when the charge amps into the cluster goes above ~328amps the modbus register overloads and loops around to a negative number.  I found some old modbus docs and the info there supports what I am seeing.



How this is presenting its self to the Insight/Conext system is when the register rolls over to negative the system then thinks the battery cluster is now discharging instead of charging.  While this is not a problem in general functionality, it does create issues with proper energy charge/discharge/use tracking/stats.


An example of what I am seeing.  Say the battery cluster is charging at 350amps.  The cluster master then reports to Insight Facility that it is actually discharging at -305.35amps.  How did we get to this number... 350amps - 327.67amps + -327.67amps = -305.35amps Layman terms.... (Actual charge amps) - (register max pos value) = (rolled over amps).  (rolled over amps) + (register max neg value) = (amps displayed by master BMS)  I suspect this same issue would happen if the combined discharge amps went below -327.67amps, the reported amp "draw" would wrap around into a pos number and the Insight Facility would then report the batteries as charging instead of discharging (I don't have enough inverters installed to be able to test that theory though) .

I do not know what the current firmware version is that I am running on the batteries, but I do know they all have the same version on them.  I added some LL-s units to the cluster earlier this year and had to downgrade their firmware to get them to talk properly with the rest of the cluster.  I could try using a LL-s unit as the master, but the problem will still be there if the modbus register is still a 16bit signed integer.  Same with upgrading firmware, I can give it a try, but unless an engineer verifies the modbus register size has been increased, then the issue will persist.

So I guess the question is... Has anyone found a real way around this issue while maintaining full closed loop coms with the battery cluster and Insight Facility?  And is EG4 aware of this issue?  This probably was not as big of an issue with the old 16 battery limit, but now that they support up to 64 batteries in a cluster, logically it would take more amps to fully charge the cluster if it is being exercised daily.





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I can't find a way to edit the original post while it is in a pending state, but one solution that EG4 could employ without increasing the register size, would be in change the unit of measure from 10mA to 100mA.  This would then allow for a reading of up to 3,276.7amps.  Im not sure if that would break any kind of unit standard being used by the closed loop communications.  I do know that the Insight Facility unit only displays amps to 1 decimal point, so having a 2 decimal point granularity is overkill/ignored by this particular platform.



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Here is a graph from yesterday showing how this effects the tracking of data.  That sudden big drop in the amps is when the register overflowed and wrapped around to a negative number.  When that happens the system begins counting those amps as discharge / load, so the longer it goes on the more inaccurate the data for that day will be.

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Since it's been 2 weeks with no response from EG4... I figured I'd give a bit more info to show that this is NOT a problem with the Insight Facility device.

The register I am reading from the facility devise its self is #515 which is a 32bit signed integer, so the storage space is more than enough for the numbers we are talking about.  The only logical conclusion I can come up with is the BMS of the LL batteries is reporting the wrong amps when using modbus with such a high total amp draw or charge, especially given that such a small storage space was given to that register.

Insight Facility document showing the info for the register I am pulling and what is being used by the facility unit its self for graphing.


Registers 519, 521, 523, and 525 all use the info from 515.  So if the amps provided by the LL's BMS is wrong, then 4 other register values are directly effected, on top of the tracking/stats registers as they are going to be summing the battery charge and invert power over time.

To further add, when looking at the BMS data reported to the facility device through the web interface, the BMS is reporting that it could handle 3600 discharge amps or 1800 charge amps, which is accurate for the number of batteries installed in this cluster, however the BMS is not able to report a real time amperage number even remotely close to those maximums.




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Hey @ anyone with EG4... I need to dig this back up because the problem is STILL on going with no one even trying to troubleshoot or gather info....

Now that temps are getting warmer and we are getting more sun this issue is popping back up and more observations are being made... It appears that when the BMS overloads the amps register that something else is getting stuck in the BMS.  Example is today the register overloaded, the BMS then started to report a discharge when it was actually charging, but it continued to report a crazy high discharge after the amps dropped below the register overload threshold.

Output from the BMS into Connext Insight:  The BMS is reporting a crazy high discharge when it is actually charging, but is ALSO well below the max value for the amps register.  We are getting lots of moving cloud cover today which means lots of cloud edge lensing going on.  The total output of the equipment I have connected could possibly reach 375 charge amps but in reality even with the cloud lensing we should only be reaching around 335-340'ish charge amps.

Charge values are jumping all over the place, but there is enough DC input into the bus bars to keep charging the batteries and not actually need to draw from the batteries for loads.



Basically what it looks like is when the register overloads the amps change from pos to neg, but then are remaining neg values even after dropping well below the register limit.  The register then needs to overload again to allow the value to report as pos again or the charge amps needs to drop way way down before the BMS starts reporting the correct amps again.

This is what it is doing to the graphs...


And of course any energy use tracking gets thrown out the window when this happens.

Can someone at least acknowledge that this is being looked into, or something, anything.  I've been tracking and reporting this issue for over 6 months with complete radio silence from EG4 support and Signature Solar support.

Attached is the CSV output from the graph above, you can see some very rapid very high amp charge to discharge then eventually back to charging numbers.

