@dtbaker61 I have passed all of the information along, and I am waiting for this as well. I know that they were working on everything plus the things ...
Im sorry it showed up like this. I looks like the QC assiociate was trying point out a physical defect on the battery, and some way, some how it ended...
If that is the case, then maybe adjusting the logic of how the setting gets implemented will resolve the issue. I am taking your findings over to R&am...
My apologies! I didn't have an opportunity to respond yesterday, but I did send all of the information over to our engineers, as well as the post abov...
Let me pass that along to my director, and see if that is something we can do.
Thank you Mr. Baker, I will pass that information along to the R&D team, as well as the firmware engineers.
I apologize, but we still do not have a fix at this moment. Bug reports have been submitted, software engineers are aware, but they are still testing ...
I spoke with one of our master electricians today, and he told me that the best thing to do is to add an additional NO contactor to the RSD. Apparentl...
Check your inbox! I just sent an email your way
No sir. I am reaching out to a few friends that do Solar Design, and one of them only landed back in the US this morning. Hopefully, they can point me...
My apologies Joel, I could not find an RSD that would work this way. I took some time to look yesterday and didn't find a 2-pole NO RSD button. I am s...
Having the Float that low is good for Lead Acid settings, but I would recommend Closed-Loop since they are Lithium batteries. I also know how SolArk g...
@bluetrader222 I believe that if it is not a bad cell, then it could be a loose Battery Harness. I wouldn't think it would be a danger at the moment, ...
No release dates at the moment
You are correct... My apologies, I had it in my head you needed a NO AND NC, not a 2 pole NO. Give me just a sec.