sig solar has been good and quite knowledgeable on other issues. but if you need anything more eg4 escalation just tells me via email a week later to...
crickets. im going to have to look elsewhere.
finally got an official update cable on the way. i'll measure output volts and mark/space states and post back here for anyone else in future this de...
got the parts, made the cable, tested offline. complies with all RS232 params. before i hooked it up tested voltage levels on output of battery. ...
well that was right in plain sight. still not readable but i can figure it out with a voltmeter. a std amazon usb to 232, cut off the db9, splice...
they use a ZT213 chip (i can read that part of picture) which is a drop in replacement for the old MAX chips i used to use so the outputs are +/- 12V ...
that picture you sent may have the information, but the connector diagram on the lower left is too blurry to read when i blow it up. You don't have a...
if anyone has that cable and can throw a voltmeter across RXD(1) and ground(8) and TXD(2) and ground on the RJ45 and post the levels that would solve ...
hey, that really helped. they have a FT232 USB to UART chip in that pod so the outputs are serial not USB. the pin number question is solved. now ...
just saw the diagram you posted, hadn't seen that before. makes it really interesting. some pic processors take USB directly so maybe don't need a ...
thanks. i saw that but they don't list the gnd pin, the voltage levels, or the reference direction for TX/RX. RS232 is speced at +/- 12 but everyone...
fyi, this is for a EG4 wall mount indoor 280ah battery