@jlankford I finally got a resolution to this. Signature Solar support had me flash a different firmware than the multipak I downloaded off of the we...
Good idea. That will at least let me charge the batteries until they can help address the issue. You wouldn't happen to know the values to set for v...
rebooted everything. started with just the LL-S, waited until everything came back up, showed 50A/100A with 100Ah cap. Put 1 V1 in the loop, cap wen...
I have the same configuration, you use the multipack firmware. Also you need a special cable, connecting a standard cat5/6 cable between the LL-S and...
Good morning. I did all of that, the parallel number and capacity change, but the charge/discharge settings do not.
Per the mobile app it shows 6 batteries, 600AH capacity, 50A limit charge, 100A limit discharge. Number of batteries haven't changed. It is almost a...