@jared It is a Brother HL-2240 Manufactured in 2011
@joel-brodeur If I don't have a fault by tomorrow I'll check on that just for curiosity sake.
@joel-brodeur I had that thought too and moved the printer over to the kitchen, sure enough given about 30 seconds or so for the printer to go through...
@jared @jlankford @joel-brodeur After a bit of testing I am 80% certain that I found the problem. Tested all the outlets on that circuit and the...
@jlankford Ok, after a bunch of tedious walking back and forth it seems like the fault only happens when the livingroom circuit is turned on. I am goi...
@jlankford The outlet box that feeds the camper came prewired, we just had to run the feeder lines to it. Grandpa did that, and I just assumed everyt...
@joel-brodeur I actually had that very thought today, we have an old 220v stove that we use outside, and a length of the wire with the same plug as th...
@joel-brodeur Well it doesn't read as open when I put the meter on those terminals but the reading is quite high like 50M ohms.
@joel-brodeur No worries. I'd be overjoyed if it was just that I overlooked something simple like that.
@joel-brodeur I saw no settings in the 18kpv about NG bond - do you know where that setting is by chance and I'll check on that.
The inverter firmware is fAAB-1E1E. Not sure which number is the battery firmware but bms is z02t13 and lcd 1.1.0 if those are the right numbers. vBat...
Yes just the one inverter. I added one after I took those pictures and forgot to take new pictures, these are from when i initially started talking to...
As far as I know there is only one. There is only one in the wiring that we've done, but if there is another in amongst the camper wiring I have no id...