While it is unlikely that I will ever need to use the generator input on my 18Kpv, I do have a generator...although it is a small 2kW 120v model. Is the generator input meant only for use with a 240v generator or would it also work with a 120v model? I can't seem to find this information anywhere.
The generator input for the 18kPV requires 120/240VAC. For more details on the generator requirements, please refer to page 22 of the 18kPV manual.
Thank you.
Posted by: @caesarvThank you.
I had the exact same question as you, and got the same answer. However, I also received some advice to look at the EG4 "Chargeverter." It's a relatively inexpensive 48V charger that can take 120VAC or 240VAC input. On 120VAC it's limited to charging at 45 amps, but that's still more power than the 2kW generator you (and I) want to use in this scenario.
So, I bought a Chargeverter along with my 18Kpv and four LL-S batteries. I haven't tested it yet - I'm just now finishing my system setup. I have the Chargeverter outputs connected to the EG4 rack bus. Once I finish all my other tests on this backup system, testing that I can charge from a generator is one of the last tests I'll do.
This is just poor documentation. Something I have become very used to with EG4. The equipment is good the documentation just plain sucks as it was written by engineers and they are engineers not writers.
The manual says "120/240". So what does that actually mean in real world terms? Does it take both types of inputs or is this a designation for split phase with 120 per leg? Beats me. Really unclear. All these people on the forum are trying to do is decipher this cryptic nonsense that is passed off as a manual.
agreed, if anything the table of contents should include a page listing definitions such as 120/240 meaning 2 phase 240VAC or something else.
Sounds like someone would need a Honda EU2000i plus the EU2000i companion to get 240V or a better choice might be as @JLankford mentioned a 120VAC to 48VDC charger.
@jared I searched EG4's online resources and downloaded a generator page state the minimum generator size was 4kW. Just saying there is an inconsistency. I am having issues getting my EG$ 18kPv to sync with my generator. It tried once when I had set the max charge amps at 30 and generator kW to 6, but that stalled the generator when it tried to sync.
it should have worked at those low amps. And FYI on the 18k screen on the generator charge it says Amps but it’s Amps dc. I had my settings in the 18pv set for my 15k generator which has 90 amp breaker on it and could only get it to charge the batteries around 3-4k. Finally figured it out and move the amp setting to 140 and got them charging faster. Another one of those things that confuses folks
@pawnee Thanks Pawnee. I am finding many confusions! I spent all day doing firmware downloads that did not fix the generator issue but did mess up the LCD screen on the inverter. Then I did the software download to fix that. Not sure that is fixed yet, but early signs are encouraging. I keep ending back at the total harmonic distortion issue so I wonder if anyone on the forum knows of a reasonably priced 9-13 kW gas generator that has less than 3% THD?
The firmware update caused me a ton of headaches a couple weeks ago. I posted a 18k thread on here and hope that in the future it answers a lot of these questions. If we can get users with more knowledge to chime in and help folks out. Good luck on your system