Sometimes the easiest solution is the best solution.
Sometimes not.
It’s a Milbank 15K made by Briggs. It’s a bit different than most. It’s a two wire start but it must not see 240 volts to run. I have my generator start running into a double latch relay to make it work. The 18kpv opens or closes the relay which applies 240 or takes it away. It’s been working fine until the firmware update. I’m going to try it later on and see if it works properly now
So getting the firmware completely pushed through got my generator running like it was before, but I’m still getting a browout/hard handover. Bad enough I had to reset my furnaces
@joel-brodeur @pawnee Do you have both PV and batteries? If so, which batteries and how many?
@eric I have both solar and batteries. This time of year, my solar doesn't do much so it is effectively battery.
My batteries are 2 X Indoor Wallmounts.
Sometimes the easiest solution is the best solution.
Sometimes not.
@joel-brodeur on your inverter do you have the Lithium Type set to "1"?
Sometimes the easiest solution is the best solution.
Sometimes not.
@joel-brodeur the only suggestion I have is to try changing the AC input range to APL. Have you tested it with the AC input range set to APL?
I will continue looking into this to identify any potential solutions.
@eric I had it set in APL before and it actually seemed worse. My next gen run should be in a couple of days, if I remember to, I will try it again.
Sometimes the easiest solution is the best solution.
Sometimes not.
@ron I too had issues with my Off Grid system. All I wanted was to use the Gen port to trickle charge my batteries. No does full load charging, passed the dirty gen power through the system. I had to buy to refurbished chargeverters. These worked great, HOWEVER, the will randomly cycle relays and shut down and the rather than a nice slow ramp up to say 70 amps. they will try to put 70 amps directly to the Generator bogging it down. The only way I can seem to get the chargevert to ramp nice an slow is to disconnect the AC side and DC side of the chargeverter. Note these are very loud, noisy, poorly built and a little sketch, but do work and crank out the amps. Max mine can do is 95 Amps on one ant 97 Amps on the other. I ran both at 70 amps, to keep the load distributed evenly. Still when solar is charging the batteries along with the Chargeverter you get something on occasion that resets the chargeverter (Not the DC or AC Breaker) an internal clicking that will attempt to restart after 10-15 seconds. I inquired Signature Solar to get information, but they did not respond.
yes they used to be displayed on the old version as 2500 or what ever was being pulled. Now the say 2.5 Kw so that’s fine by me. Better than just seen 2 like it was. Thanks
@Joel-brodeur @pawnee Could you both send me a private message with your inverter's serial number? I'd like to review some data and verify that everything in the settings is correct.