This is request for tech support.
My system is running GridBOSS + 18kPv. I am looking at data located on following screen (serial number cut off for privacy):
I am attaching data I exported using ("Export data" button). Can you please explain how does it make sense?
smartLoad1L1ActivePower(W) 3856
smartLoad1L2ActivePower(W) 3879
so, smartLoad1 is pulling 7735W
gridL1ActivePower(W) 818
gridL2ActivePower(W) -829
loadL1ActivePower(W) 0
loadL2ActivePower(W) 0
genL1ActivePower(W) 0
genL2ActivePower(W) 0
upsL1ActivePower(W) 2105
upsL2ActivePower(W) 532
so, supply is 2626W. Where is the 7kW of power coming from??? I could understand if the numbers don't stack up exactly, but this is a major discrepancy when just one load pulls 3 times more that every input. And that's not even considering the rest of consumption on main circuit.
Can you please provide more information about your system?
How many batteries?
Are you using any smart ports or AC couple?
@eric perhaps I was not sufficiently clear. Let me try to be a little more verbose:
* GridBOSS has inputs and outputs.
* Inputs are: grid, inverter and generator.
* Outputs are: service panel, and smart outputs 1 to 4. In my case only output 1 is used, but that's beside the point
* Since GridBOSS itself does not generate any power, power coming in must be equal to power going out. Power coming in may be _slightly_ over since some of it might be consumed by GridBOSS, but not by much
Based on attached metrics, can you explain why incoming and outgoing power values are so out of balance?