I have my system up now with 12 660 PV panels EG 6000XP and 3 EG4 100 48V V1 and 3 EG4 48V V2 batteries. Now my system is running on the 3 V1 batteries but not the V2 batteries. I'm missing something here. I have found out that the V2 has to be the host battery. But what makes it so? does it have to be connected first off the Controller or is it just the comm line that needs connection first off the controller?
The Lifepower4 V2 must serve as the master battery due to the architecture of the BMS. This document will assist you in setting up communication between the two: EG4 Lifepower4 V2 Communication with V1.
Please note that there is a known issue where the SOC may incorrectly display as 51% on the Lifepower4 V1 when additional battery information is shown in the monitoring system. This does not impact functionality or communication between the two battery models, and we are actively working on a fix.