Hello all,
Attached are a few screenshots from the monitoring site.
I have two wall mounts and a 6000xp at my off grid cabin and it was all installed back in October. It hasn’t taken long before I noticed that ‘battery 0’ soc was slowly dropping and never increasing whilst ‘battery 1’ dropped at night but then climbed a little in the day.
What’s most confusing is currently all that is running is the freezer, and has been for about a month, but despite this and what looks to be a decent charge coming in daily compared to what’s being used the batteries just aren’t charging.
I assume the SOC percentage is completely screwed as the voltages are nearly identical but looking past this I still can’t understand why the batteries haven’t completely charged by now?
The pretty graphs and my lack of mathematical skills may be hampering my understanding but using today as an example from what I can see I’m got 3.9kwh or production today with 0.9kwh used, and this is fairly consistent every day…surely I should have actually charged the batteries by now and not be almost empty!?
Unfortunately I am not on site for another few weeks so button pressing and hammer throwing will have to wait but I hoped someone would have some insight or perhaps something I can click in the settings that will magically solve all evil?
I’ve read that cycling them to 100% then back down to 20% a few times might help but as I’m completely off grid and don’t have vast amounts of fuel for my little generator it’s not really feasible if the solar production isn’t helping.
I'm also getting a "Battery voltage low" notification which is troubling me!