I have 3x Lifepower4 48v batteries installed at an off-grid site. we had some really solid cloudy days, and then some snow.... eg4-6000xp disconnected load at 46v as programmed and went into standby as expected.
But then, this morning, only one of three batteries woke up after sun was up. I went to site around 10am, and noted that ONE battery was blinking "run" condition and taking charge.
I turned off the battery/bms breaker on the ones that were not running, waited a moment, and turned breakers back on. The batteries resumed normal "run" blinking, and started taking charge. This indicates to me that either the internal BMS's are damaged, or firmware has a bug disallowing auto recovery after a LV shutdown at 46v. My understanding from documentation is that the lower limit for recovery is 44v, so all the batteries should have been fine.
I am not sure what version of firmware is in the batteries, they are less than a year old though. I am running them 'open loop', so they are not connected to Inverter comms.
I would appreciate detailed step-by-step instructions on how I can obtain the latest firmware for the Lifepower4 batteries I have, and how to install the update in each from a laptop. Then how to check the health of each battery and BMS.