I was gifted a mini split system; I would like it to work 24/7 if possible. i believe I would need batteries and connect them. What batteries would work, & how would they get connected to the minisplit system? TIA
I was gifted a mini split system; I would like it to work 24/7 if possible. i believe I would need batteries and connect them. What batteries would work, & how would they get connected to the minisplit system? TIA
Our Hybrid Mini-Split systems currently do not support the integration of a battery. The DC power input must range between 90-380VDC, typically supplied by a solar array. The AC input, depending on the model, requires either 120VAC or 240VAC and is usually sourced from the grid or an inverter output.
So,, am I correct in thinking this means that an inverter/ charge controller can be used? I apologize if I totally misunderstood your answer. The unit is working.
If I understand the system correctly you can run the Hybrid mini split from a direct solar connection - solar panels connected directly to the unit as long as the string is within spec.
You can also run it off of your normal house current. If you have an invert/charger battery bank already then you can provide power to the mini split from that.
Or for the AC side you could set up an inverter/charger and battery bank that provides power to just the mini split.
The mini split itself does not have an inverter/charger or battery bank.
You might take a look at the manual here: EG4-AC-DC-Plug-N-Cool-Solar-AC-Manual-12K-24K.pdf
page 29 describes the operational modes. That might help some.
Sometimes the easiest solution is the best solution.
Sometimes not.