Trying to get clarification on grounding and wiring due to lots of conflicting information and confusion regarding grounding of solar systems. I have two ten panel (560v each) arrays I need to wire to my utility shed that houses my EG4 18KPV inverter and EG4 Power Pro batteries located about 80 feet from my arrays. From there I need to wire my inverter to the AC disconnect at the house about 70 feet from the utility shed. The AC disconnect will get wired to the house. The house will be earth grounded with two 8 foot ground rods 8 feet apart. Initially I was told I needed to earth ground the panels, then run that ground along with the PV wires to the inverter. I was thinking that would create the dreaded ground loop? I called Signature Solar and was told that the PV arrays do get earth grounded, but no further, and not to run that ground to the inverter. The inverter get grounded when I run the positive, negative, and neutral Load from the inverter to the AC disconnect. Then onto the house main panel which is earth grounded to two 8 foot ground rods 8 feet apart. I always like to trust but verify what I was told. Was I told correctly not to run ground from the panels to the inverter?