I recommend you call support from the vendor who sold you the battery and inverter. I had issues adding a 2nd battery and without support I'd have wa...
I can't see your photos either. I didn't know EG4 had a "certified installer" program, but I would definately go back to that installer and have them...
Agree w/ @ron. I did the math and the $500 for a Chargeverter allows you to save on the generator cost, making it a good value.
@twistedroutes and @eric, this seems like a REALLY BAD IDEA! Those batteries are 300lbs. I would expect EG4 would take a more cautious stance on use...
@eric, information sent via private message.
@eric, see image below. SigSol support has instructed and assisted in config changes, and suggested we use this config for a "few weeks" to get batte...
@eric Signature Solar support changed it yesterday to Lead Acid.
@george-redinger Regarding Chinese access to EG4 data, I do think we need clarity from EG4. This topic probably deserves it's own thread. Cc @j...
@look4terry , I agree w/ @jlankford. For my installation here in Michigan we had a conversation the electrical inspector regarding our installtion to...