Could you share the make and model of the generator?
I agree that that would be helpful and not just for the 18K but for all products. Heck I would even be willing to help reviewing the 6000XP documenta...
I have seen a few threads on here and other places regarding this. The typical culprit is often either a grounding issue someplace, needing a firmwar...
I was helping a friend out with a firmware update on LL4 batteries. Noticed that the LL4 batteries have Z02t## firmware numbering. Does this mean t...
@hanzi Beyond my experience but please keep us posted.
Complicated answer. Could the equipment you have provide backup to a house running moderate loads for while - yes. As others have indicated it wou...
@hanzi I had similar experience while commissioning a 6000XP, as soon I got an Earth Ground and a NG ground at the panel (not the programmable NG bond...
Just curious, when you are testing the voltage at the PV inputs (neg lead to neg input pos lead to pos input) are you getting positive or negative DC ...
@pawnee Click on the little arrow below eric's badge, then click on the little mail icon. JB
Great news and now I feel stupid. I was going to ask about that, but I figured since you had been powering loads you had the EPS on. Would you mind...
@jlankford I agree that an interlock should be installed but for now it is manual switch of the breaker.
@eric @mylej @jlankford So, we have figured out the flickering lights and got that straightened out. The AC still does not charge the batterie...
@jlankford that was it. Missed flipping s breaker.
@jlankford Good to know Thank you. Update on @mylesj we got the flickering lights figured out. But cannot seem to get the inverter to charge the ba...