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off grid monitoring
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off grid monitoring

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I'm planning to install a 6000xp off grid in an area with out internet and cell service. Is there any way to use the dongle in blue tooth mode when I am at the home to monitor the inverter usage and features on my phone or tablet?

Herque and Joel Brodeur reacted
Joel Brodeur
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From my experience, the app allows you to connect directly to the 6000XP and view stats and view/set settings.

What you need to do, is the dongle has its own wi-fi that you will need to connect your device to and then in the app you use the local connect.

The part I always forget to do is connect to the dongles Wi-Fi first.


Hope this helps.


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Starlink to the Eg4 mothership perhaps?   You have to get the data to their servers somehow, there is no onboard storage available (at least that is what i have been told with regards to the 6000XP.

Joel Brodeur
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Posted by: @dfwtinker

Starlink to the Eg4 mothership perhaps?   You have to get the data to their servers somehow, there is no onboard storage available (at least that is what I have been told with regards to the 6000XP.


I will double check my system next time I am on site.  I do use Starlink for the connection to the web, but I will disable that and see what happens when I connect.  Perhaps it is limited to current stats only.  I will also check to see if/how Bluetooth works as well.

I will let you know what I find out unless someone else posts first.




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Right I get that I can do Starlink. I'd like to just be able to pull up a live view while on the property and see more info that having to go out to the garage and look on the inverter little screen.





Joel Brodeur
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@arzdean I will be on site at my place in a couple of weeks and let you know what I find out.  I am pretty sure you can at least get live stats but I am not 100% sure.

Also, depending on how far away your garage is BT might not be the signaling.  BT is typically a short distance communication method.  I am assuming that whatever device you plan to use does have the ability for a Wi-Fi connection and that may be better.



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ok great. I appreciate the help.



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Check out Solar Assistant at which runs on a Raspberry Pi (either you supply it or buy it integrated), put it on the same LAN as the inverter and it builds a website you can access locally, plus it does all the logging for you.  _IF_ you have Internet it'll also allow you to get to it from https://<YourSite>.<YourCountry>

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This is a great topic. I would love to be NOT connected to the internet as well. I will be interested in what info this turns up.

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you D/L the eg4 monitor app. then you have to register your dongle. go to your wifi setting on your phone and login to your dongle. #B???????? then go to app and connect local. its all in your manual. limit monitoring that way. if you have starling use wifi. login and register on the eg4 site and you can get way more stats and settings.

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@wpns do you know if there’s anything I can use to monitor my EG4 indoor wall mount batteries independently?  My Inverters are too old for communicating with anything.   TIA

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@david993561 There are apparently wired cable interfaces to EG4 hardware in the beta of Solar Assistant, but it's anyone's guess when that'll be out.  I haven't implemented it yet, but it ought to be possible to talk directly to the individual batteries or the entire bank with RS485 and roll your own monitoring and display code, but it depends if you want another hobby.  8*)

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Posted by: @arzdean

I'm planning to install a 6000xp off grid in an area with out internet and cell service. Is there any way to use the dongle in blue tooth mode when I am at the home to monitor the inverter usage and features on my phone or tablet?

You are able to local connect to the 6000XP without an internet connection with the Wi-Fi dongle included. With this, you can use the Wi-Fi emitted from the dongle to connect to with an IOS or Android device and connect via Bluetooth with an Android device.


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So you need to load the app from the appropriate App Store, connect to the WiFi AP created by the dongle, and then run the app?  Do you need to add the dongle as another Station or will it find it on the 'dongle lan' and connect locally?


Is there a way to add a station while on my LAN (where the dongles have assigned IP addresses) so I can talk directly to the inverter?


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Posted by: @wpns

So you need to load the app from the appropriate App Store, connect to the WiFi AP created by the dongle, and then run the app?  Do you need to add the dongle as another Station or will it find it on the 'dongle lan' and connect locally?


This is correct and another station will not be needed. All information will be accessible through the local connection per inverter.

Posted by: @wpns


Is there a way to add a station while on my LAN (where the dongles have assigned IP addresses) so I can talk directly to the inverter?


Not at this time.


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