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Suggestion OMG! Your Electrical Contracts Contracts Contracts what a pain!

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Eminent Member
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So this is my most painful topic is to find the Best contract for your needs. If you are in TEXAS and have Solar, This is the best link to finding best Solar Contracts in 1 place.  PLEASE BOOKMARK this link:



After clicking nearly every company, my head was spinning. In order to help myself I need to be clear what what was my goal first needs to be defined. There are several strategies.   

Q1 Are you to get your bill down to Zero? or to try to make money? 

Q2 Free nights vs buy backs? Which is better?

Some plans offer Free Electricity 8:00pm to 6:00am (So Charge your Batteries and your Tsla or EV do Landry after 8:00pm and use your Batteries and Solar combined to keep your grid usage to ZERO from 6:00am to 8:00pm but rates are higher 20cents or so.

I ended up signing up with TXU Solar Buyback 36 month (60 day free no obligation trial) 12.1 cents 500Kwh 16c 1000Kwh 17.9 2000Kwh. I hear David has the best deals but dont offer service for my zip code. 


Feedback thoughts? 


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By the way I came to learn if you want to compare Apples to Apples, you must read the EFL and compare EFL to EFL otherwise you will miss something........ Here is the New TXU I got going into effect 11/2/2024......


Can anyone recommend anything better then this?


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My edit got wiped. now typing again....

The contract is 3yrs: 12.1 cents 500Kwh 16c 1000Kwh 17.9 2000Kwh. The charge and buy back is 1:1 14.5 cents. The buy back you get credit and it is banked to the following month. I am predicting my system will overproduce 10-50 Kwh per day. So I would accumulate credit. The lady on the phone from TXU says at somepoint they will actually BUY the credit from you but did not find this in the EFL. I do have a full 60 day trial before my cancellation fee is set in stone and my contract starts 11/2/2024. So as of my current contract is not solar so no credit but expiring 11/01/2024.    
