This is a whole house backup system using a single 18Kpv and six LL-S rack batteries, no PV yet. Install done under permit by homeowner (me). I followed the EG4 recommended install for “Whole Home Backup using a Feeder Tap”, except I omitted the Feeder Tap Breaker from my design. Also, instead of using Polaris taps I used dual lugs inside the manual transfer switch to create the Feeder Tap. I’m using the full pass through capability of the 18K to route the entire home service through it. The existing service entrance is 150amp, but I used 2/0 cabling suitable for 200 amp in order to allow for a main panel upgrade in the future.
Primary vendor was Signature Solar.
Looks excellent! Great work.
Sometimes the easiest solution is the best solution.
Sometimes not.
What AWG are the wires you are using to connect the batteries to the bus bar?
I used the battery cables provided in the box, which are 5awg. Some numbers:
Max system current: 280 A DC
Max current per battery: 47 A DC
Ground jumpers are 10awg stranded.