I have exactly the same issue, but with an additional complication: my solar provider, Sovereign, no longer exists, i can get support here?
I have exactly the same issue, but with an additional complication: my solar provider, Sovereign, no longer exists, i can get support here?
I have the same issue, it started around 1/22/25. I believe its something with the cloud server as I can see the inverter on my phone when I'm connected to the Wi-Fi dongle AP. Also nothing has changed with my network setup, I'm running all TPLink devices since before I got this 6000XP. I can also ping the dongle on any computer on my network and get 100% good replies. I have tried every way to reset this dongle and reconnect it. My dongle is a BJ####### S/N unit and I don't have all the advance options some of the recovery guides have.