Doesn't make any sense to me. Good luck
@pawnee How exactly did you determine that the house loads were being powered through the batteries and inverter and not the generator?
@pawnee @eric When the generator is running and producing AC the inverter passes the AC through to power your loads and also converts the AC to DC to ...
@eric Can the 600xp do both at the same time? Can it convert generator AC to battery DC and also invert battery DC to load AC.
Yes, that is an interesting question. I've never heard of any benefit of deep discharging. My normal practice is never below 20% and monthly top balan...
What I was trying to say is that while the inverter is being powered by the generator the inverter is converting AC/Gen to DC/battery charging and the...
How exactly does the inverter function? While charging the batteries from a generator is the inverter allowing AC power to pass thru the inverter from...
Turn the main grid AC breaker off.
Maybe conversion from dc to ac efficiency loss?
I use the EG4 ChargVerter which solves many issues.
@brokenpointjoe The history of generators and inverters charging batteries is an old problematic issue. Inverters seem to have a hard time "walking an...
What do you have for HVAC, dryer, water heater, stove and oven, out buildings, well pumps. Anything else that draws a lot of power. 240V stuff? I'm ...
Oops, I didn't see he landed AC output from inverter into main panel
@joel-brodeur I'm not aware of any instance of the 6000xp being able to back feed the grid through the AC input.
@zeppelin I've had zero issues, but have only charged the batteries with the chargeverter a few times during grid outages.