What I was trying to say is that while the inverter is being powered by the generator the inverter is converting AC/Gen to DC/battery charging and the...
How exactly does the inverter function? While charging the batteries from a generator is the inverter allowing AC power to pass thru the inverter from...
Turn the main grid AC breaker off.
Maybe conversion from dc to ac efficiency loss?
I use the EG4 ChargVerter which solves many issues.
@brokenpointjoe The history of generators and inverters charging batteries is an old problematic issue. Inverters seem to have a hard time "walking an...
What do you have for HVAC, dryer, water heater, stove and oven, out buildings, well pumps. Anything else that draws a lot of power. 240V stuff? I'm ...
Oops, I didn't see he landed AC output from inverter into main panel
@joel-brodeur I'm not aware of any instance of the 6000xp being able to back feed the grid through the AC input.
@zeppelin I've had zero issues, but have only charged the batteries with the chargeverter a few times during grid outages.
About 11500-12000 watts of useable battery which is still 20 hours
Seems like so many issues using the Inverter generator connection, I just use the chargeverter. No issues and charges on voltage so balances out SOC
@joel-brodeur I'm thinking that is the best solution. Drop the grid/pv and drain to 20% once a month, but would like to have confirmed by EG4. We ha...
With the solar I have available in the summer i'll probably only be able to produce 20% capacity of my batteries daily and way less in the winter. Tha...
DOD shouldn't be any lower than 50% and I'd recommend 60% for longevity of the battery. The reason it lasted longer prior to setting it to 50% is befo...