Fairly often, my 6000XP will enter bypass mode when loads are low. I only have a few circuits on it right now. Sometimes it will *stay* in bypass mode for a long time (minutes to hours). It tries to exit bypass mode every 5 minutes, but fails each time (lights blink and it's still in bypass mode with an open "EPS Overload"). I've systematically turned off all my circuits one by one (to see if any of them is preventing the exiting of bypass mode). You can see this in the graph at the end as I slowly reduced loads. I understand that at 5-min intervals a very short spiky load right during the time when it attempts switching won't show up in the graphs, but I've been watching the levels *live* and don't see any such spiky loads.
I do have a freezer that was on at the time, though it has about a 50% duty cycle and would be causing problems all the time if it was the culprit. It seems like some small inductive load combined with the short outage during the bypass switch-over causes a high but extremely short burst of current that exceeds the "overload" threshold? Will a sub-1s burst of current cause the EPS overload? The docs say the 6000XP should handle short bursts of very high loads, so I'm not sure what's going on.
I even tried bumping the max discharge amps to 100A and it still wouldn't exit bypass mode.