CORRECTION: I mistakenly stated the Tigo site updates at 1-minute intervals. Incorrect - Tigo claims a 10 minute update with 20 minute lag (including ...
Thanks again JB. Two days later the EG4 site began showing data from Tigo on the solar panels. The EG4 view is close to tracking the 1-minute Tigo sit...
@joel-brodeur Thanks JB. I have noticed Tigo systems have occasional extended delays updating sometimes-so your experience continues.
Thank you for the help Jared. Confirming that an updated Wifi dongle solved this problem - so the old Wifi Dongle was the root cause. Replaced the B...
Thank you. I set the RS484 protocol of battery #1 to P02. The inverter and battery #1 BMS were power cycled. But - still no details of the 4 batter...
Yes - the RS485 proto is set to the 1st item - EG4. What is a 'separate protocol', and would not a change to the RS485 protocol break the inverter t...
Thank you for the quick information! Unfortunately, still no detailed battery data or battery breakdown tables on the monitoring site. All 4 batt...
Thank you. All batteries are version Z02T13 - so they all need upgrading. Where is the file? I was also advised earlier by S2 phone call to set CAN ...