@eric Here is a pic of what my battery currently indicates for firmware/LCD version Do I need to update both the firmware and the LCD? If so, cou...
@helidriver I did some reading on other forums, and it looks it might not be possible.
@helidriver I think the same applies. I do not believe that the inverters have a built-in webserver hence there wouldn't be anything to connect to. ...
To the best of my knowledge the only way it can be done is by using the app on a device like a phone or tablet. The ability to change setting has be...
@pawnee I don't see anything wrong with the wiring. It was working fine 9 batteries? Just curious, have you tried an amp clamp to see if it actuall...
@pawnee If I remember your OP correctly, the three new V2's are just filling out your second rack? The original setup was charging all batteries cor...
Checking this morning and it must have been an issue with the web site. All appears okay today. At least for now... 🙂
Powered down, let sit for a couple of minutes and powered back up. Still shows 3 PV channels.
@eric I have not. I can try that tonight. I will let you know what happens.
After about 20 minutes, the inverter did end up showing 100% on the batteries (guessing it was just stabilizing the batteries?? seemed longer than no...
@eric I am not seeing that.
Installed the firmware update today. Did it through the web monitor and ran into a little glitch. It appeared to have run the first step (xx0Exx) th...
@wardo5757 That would be so nice.